Standard Talk (15 mins) Australian Society for Fish Biology Conference 2022

The Mid-Murray Floodplain Recovery Reach: Bringing back the 'Magnificent Six' (#79)

Peter Rose 1
  1. North Central CMA, Huntly, VIC, Australia

The Mid-Murray Floodplain Recovery Reach Program was established as part of the MDBA's Native Fish Recovery Strategy, and has a strong focus on recovering threatened floodplain specialist fish including southern purple-spotted gudgeon, southern pygmy perch, olive perchlet and flat-headed galaxias.  Through the program, the Murray NRM Tri-State Alliance has established strong partnerships to undertake captive breeding, habitat restoration, conservation stocking and monitoring at numerous sites across three states in the Murray River Corridor. This presentation will showcase the works and results to date, and highlight key challenges, opportunities and knowledge gaps in threatened small-bodied fish recovery.