White shark (Carcharodon carcharias) movements are typically observed over large spatial scales (100s-1000s km2). However, observation of fine-scale movement behaviour of white sharks is necessary to improve our understanding of their usage of near-shore coastal areas where there is an increased probability of interactions between sharks and humans. Based on passive acoustic data from a dense, but non-triangulating, array we investigated the fine scale movement of white sharks at a coastal beach within a nursery area off Hawk’s Nest, New South Wales from 2010-2015. Using a spatial Hidden Markov Model (HMM) we were able to estimate white shark movement tracks during each shark visit to the array based on detection binning over 5-minute time intervals. The HMM also enabled direct estimation of the probability of detection as a function of distance from shark to acoustic receivers. The HMM-estimated movement tracks predict heavy utilisation of very shallow water close to the high-water mark by the sharks. Additionally, the southern end of the beach appears to be a focus for short term white shark residency at the beach. The movement tracks estimated here allowed the first high-resolution investigation of white shark movements in the Hawk’s Nest nursery area and demonstrate the potential for estimation of fine-scale position data from non-triangulating passive acoustic monitoring arrays deployed in other coastal marine areas.